Three years since receding into the struggle, CTOE emerges once again. Perfect timing? Pointless opportunism? Public therapy? Yes, yes and yes.
A long time coming, or shortening the arc of justice
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before…
Can I get Covid from my computer?
Remember when we all used to laugh at conspiracy theorists? Hahaha, flat earthers and lizard people from deep time…
Stop trying to make ‘snap-back’ happen Scott…
So many false choices on offer! Covid conspirators and rightist dullards would have us think that if covid “just a flu”19 was allowed to rip, than the economy would be beautiful again.
Are we all in this together? Yes, but some more than others…
The best vaccine is still money, for now, but there can be no more divisions among the living.
The fact that large sections of the capitalist class join in demanding the intervention of the State in industry is a sure sign that they, at least, have lost the overweening belief in the all-sufficiency of private enterprise which characterised their class a generation ago...
I’m doing my own projections, and I’ve gotten a lot smarter about this. New York doesn’t need all the ventilators.
Who Could Have Seen This Coming?
The WHO is who. And the epidemiologists, the immunologists, the doctors, nurses… But why listen to those nerds if it’s gonna cost money?
Is this the ultimate victory of the ideology of capitalism; that its abstract relations can be held to still exist even where there is no one to do the relating?
Mass Industrialised Farming of Poultry Comes Home to Roost
Ah, the chickens coming home… once a metaphor, now (again) an actual goddamn reality.
Hey preppers! You ready for the Trumpocalypse?
You still have a few days to join the Earth’s largest survival community before the Trumpocalype. You and your horses can enjoy off-grid security in a 500 bunker community. Cheaper than the Mars option! And as they say, when disaster strikes it’s too late to prep!
Everybody Knows…
Shitty video, but the top comment at time of linking was “Donald Trump winning brought me here.”
Make America Brannigan
Billy West channels Trump via Zap Brannigan.
It starts with toilets and ends up costing us our Australian way of life.
Name Withheld
We need to know how many of us eat chips for dinner, but we don’t need to know who is eating chips.
Here’s to you black soldier, fighting in Afghanistan…
A dress rehearsal for things yet to come.
The only cure we’ve got is to have a dictator like in China or something like that. Our democracy at the moment is not working.
It's a reaffirmation of the nation's determination to decide, as I declared and argued and as the current government does, that we'll decide who comes, the numbers, where they come from and what skills they bring with them.
England Prevails
Alan Moore wins this week’s What Dystopia Have We Awoken In? with V for Vendetta!